Another Word For Natal

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The word "natal" refers to anything related to birth or the process of being born. It is often used in contexts such as natal care, which involves medical attention provided to mothers and their newborns. Essentially, "natal" is used to describe the period, conditions, and characteristics of birth.




The term "natal" comes from the Latin word "natalis," which means "pertaining to birth" and is derived from "natus," the past participle of "nasci," meaning "to be born."


  1. The hospital offers specialized natal care for mothers and their newborns.
  2. Researchers studied the natal environment of various species to understand their survival rates.
  3. The doctor emphasized the importance of prenatal vitamins for a healthy natal period.
  4. The neonatal unit is designed to provide the best care for premature infants during their natal phase.

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