Another Word For Mistake

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The word "mistake" refers to an error or a misunderstanding. It can denote a wrong action, a belief that is incorrect, or a choice that proves to be wrong. Mistakes are often seen as unintentional acts, and they can take place in various contexts, such as academics, work, or everyday life.




The word "mistake" comes from the Old Norse word "mistaka," which combines "mis-" meaning 'wrongly' and "taka," meaning 'to take.' The term evolved in the English language over time to signify an error due to a misunderstanding or a wrong action.

Examples of Usage

  1. "It was a simple mistake that anyone could have made."
  2. "She learned from her mistake and vowed to do better next time."
  3. "His mistake in calculations led to a delay in the project."
  4. "Don't be too hard on yourself; everyone makes mistakes."
  5. "It was a mistake to assume she would agree without asking her opinion."

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