Another Word For Mist

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The word "mist" refers to a weather condition characterized by tiny water droplets suspended in the air, which often causes reduced visibility. Mist typically appears in the early morning or late evening and can give a soft, ghostly appearance to landscapes. It is less dense than fog and usually occurs when warm, moist air meets cooler surfaces.




The word "mist" comes from the Old English "mystr," which means a mist or vapor. The term has roots in similar words from other Germanic languages, highlighting its long-standing presence in the English lexicon related to atmospheric conditions.


  1. The mist hung over the lake in the early morning, creating an ethereal atmosphere.
  2. As we drove through the mountains, the mist enveloped the trees, obscuring our view.
  3. The photographer captured the beauty of the mist rising from the forest at dawn.
  4. Walking through the misty streets made the city feel quiet and mysterious.
  5. The weatherman predicted that mist would roll in from the coast later in the day.
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