Another Word For Mediocre

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The word "mediocre" refers to something that is of only moderate quality, not very good or bad—essentially average or ordinary. It describes situations, performances, or items that do not excel or stand out in any significant way. When something is labeled as mediocre, it suggests a lack of distinctive attributes and can imply disappointment in its quality.




The word "mediocre" comes from the Latin "mediocris," which means "halfway up" or "moderate." It is derived from the combination of "medius," meaning "middle," and "ocris," meaning "rugged" or "rocky." The term has maintained its connotation of something being in the middle—neither good nor bad.


  1. The movie received mixed reviews, but I found it to be just mediocre, lacking a compelling storyline.
  2. His performance in the competition was mediocre; he did not put in enough effort to stand out.
  3. The meal at the restaurant was disappointing and rather mediocre compared to the high expectations we had.
  4. She had a mediocre understanding of the subject, which resulted in a lower grade than she anticipated.
  5. While the team had a few standout players, their overall performance was still considered mediocre for the season.

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