Another Word For Marginalized

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The term "marginalized" refers to individuals or groups who are pushed to the edge of society, often experiencing a lack of access to resources, opportunities, and privileges that are available to more dominant groups. This status can occur due to various factors, including race, gender, socioeconomic status, disability, and sexuality. Marginalized people often struggle to have their voices heard and may face discrimination or exclusion from mainstream social, political, and economic activities.




The word "marginalized" is derived from the root word "marginal," which comes from the Latin "margo," meaning "edge" or "border." The suffix "-ized" indicates the process of becoming or being made into that state, hence "to be pushed to the margins or edges."

Examples of Usage

  1. Many communities are marginalized in the political process, leading to a lack of representation in government.
  2. The program aims to support marginalized youth by providing access to education and employment opportunities.
  3. Research shows that marginalized populations often have poorer health outcomes due to systemic inequities.
  4. She works tirelessly to advocate for the rights of marginalized groups in society.
  5. The conference featured discussions on how to uplift and empower marginalized voices in various industries.

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