Another Word For Lump

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The word "lump" generally refers to a solid, compact mass of material that has an irregular shape. It can describe anything from a small piece of stone to a swelling on the body. In a more figurative sense, "lump" can also refer to a situation where something is grouped together or treated as a single unit, despite having different parts or elements.




The word "lump" originates from the Middle English word "lumpe," which is thought to have roots in the Old Norse word "lumpa," meaning "a lump or mass." The term has been in use since the 14th century and has retained its meaning related to compact formations.


  1. She noticed a strange lump on her arm and decided to visit the doctor.
  2. He picked up a lump of clay and started to mold it into a pot.
  3. The hikers stumbled upon a lump of granite that jutted out of the ground.
  4. When the teacher asked for group projects, some students were upset their work would be lumped together with others.
  5. The old sofa had a lump in the middle where the springs had worn out.
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