Another Word For Loan

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The word "loan" refers to an amount of money that is borrowed from a lender, typically a bank or financial institution, with the expectation that it will be paid back with interest over a specified period. Loans can also refer to the act of lending something other than money, such as books or equipment.




The word "loan" originates from the Old Norse word "lán," which means "to lend." It has roots in the Proto-Germanic language, illustrating how the concept of lending has been a part of human transactions for centuries.


  1. I need to take out a loan to pay for my college tuition.
  2. The bank approved my loan application after reviewing my credit history.
  3. She decided to loan her friend some money to help him get back on his feet.
  4. The terms of the loan included a low-interest rate and a five-year repayment plan.
  5. He was hesitant to take a loan because he didn't want to be in debt.