Another Word For Lament

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The word "lament" refers to the passionate expression of grief or sorrow. It can also mean to mourn for something that is lost or to express regret or disappointment. When someone laments, they often showcase their feelings through words, songs, or other forms of expression.




The word "lament" comes from the Latin word "lamentari," which means "to wail" or "to weep." It entered the English language in the late Middle Ages, reflecting its connection to expressions of deep sorrow or grief.


  1. After the passing of her grandmother, she would often lament in the quiet of her room.
  2. The poet wrote a beautiful lament for the lost love he could never forget.
  3. Many lament the decline of traditional values in today's society.
  4. During the ceremony, the community gathered to lament the loss of their beloved leader.
  5. He lamented not taking the opportunity to travel when he had the chance.