Another Word For Know of

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The phrase "know of" means to be aware of something or to have some knowledge about it, but not necessarily to have detailed or intimate knowledge. It indicates a level of recognition or familiarity with a subject or person without indicating deep understanding.




The phrase "know of" is a combination of the word "know," which comes from Old English "cnāwan," meaning "to know, recognize, or discern," and the preposition "of," which comes from Old English "of," indicating origin or association.


  1. I know of several solutions to the problem, but I haven't tested them yet.
  2. Do you know of any good restaurants in the area?
  3. She knows of his achievements but does not know the specifics.
  4. I know of her dedication to the project, even though I'm not involved in it myself.
  5. It's important to know of the risks before making such a decision.
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