Another Word For Im overwhelmed

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The phrase "I'm overwhelmed" expresses a feeling of being unable to cope or manage because of too much pressure, stress, or emotional burden. It often indicates a state where a person feels they have too many responsibilities, emotions, or situations to handle effectively, leading to feelings of being overpowered or unable to function normally.




The word "overwhelmed" comes from the verb "overwhelm," which is derived from the Middle English word 'overwhelmen,' meaning to 'turn upside down' or 'to bury underneath.' It is formed by combining "over," meaning excess or beyond, with "whelm," which means to engulf or submerge.


  1. After finishing all my exams, I felt overwhelmed by the sudden free time and choices ahead of me.
  2. She was overwhelmed with joy when she received the news of her promotion.
  3. The amount of homework assigned this week is overwhelming; I don’t know how I’ll get it all done.
  4. He felt overwhelmed by the distractions in the crowded café, making it hard to concentrate on his studies.
  5. During the family reunion, I was overwhelmed by the number of relatives I hadn’t seen in years.
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