Another Word For High quality

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The term "high quality" refers to something that is of superior standard or excellence. It indicates that a product, service, or experience meets or exceeds expectations in terms of performance, durability, aesthetics, and overall satisfaction. High-quality items are often characterized by their attention to detail, fine materials, and craftsmanship.




The phrase "high quality" consists of two words: "high" from Old English "heah," meaning elevated or superior, and "quality" from Latin "qualitas," meaning a specific characteristic or nature. Together, they imply a level of excellence above the norm.


  1. The restaurant is known for its high-quality ingredients, ensuring that every dish is delicious and satisfying.
  2. When choosing a laptop, it's important to invest in a high-quality brand that offers good customer support.
  3. The high-quality craftsmanship of the furniture made it a true investment for any homeowner.
  4. She always seeks out high-quality materials for her artwork to ensure that the final product lasts.
  5. Their commitment to high-quality service has garnered them a loyal customer base.

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