Another Word For Hierarchy

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The term "hierarchy" refers to a system or organization where people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status, authority, or importance. In a hierarchy, each level has a different level of power or responsibility, which often dictates how decisions are made and how tasks are assigned.




The word "hierarchy" comes from the Greek "hierarkhēs," which means "holy ruler." It is a combination of "hieros" (meaning "sacred" or "holy") and "arkhē" (meaning "rule" or "command"). The term has evolved over time to refer to various types of power structures in social, organizational, and governmental contexts.


  1. In many companies, there is a clear hierarchy where managers oversee teams of employees.
  2. The educational system often has a hierarchy, with elementary schools at the base and universities at the top.
  3. In the animal kingdom, pack animals like wolves demonstrate a hierarchy within their groups.
  4. Understanding the hierarchy of needs can help individuals prioritize their goals.
  5. The government operates within a hierarchy that consists of local, state, and federal levels.
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