Another Word For Fungible

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The term "fungible" refers to something that is interchangeable or replaceable because its value is the same as another item of the same kind. For example, money is fungible because any bill or coin can be exchanged for another bill or coin of the same denomination. In economics, fungibility is essential for assets that can be easily traded or substituted in transactions.




The word "fungible" comes from the Latin "fungibilis," which means "able to be replaced." It is derived from "fungi," which means "to perform" or "to execute." The term has been used in English since the early 17th century.


  1. "The dollar bills in your wallet are fungible; you can spend any of them without worrying about their specific identity."
  2. "In the stock market, shares of the same company are considered fungible because each share holds the same value."
  3. "Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are often referred to as fungible assets because each unit can be exchanged for another unit of the same currency."