Another Word For Fine

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The word "fine" can refer to something of high quality, or it can denote a small or delicate nature. It can also describe something that is satisfactory or acceptable. In terms of financial context, a "fine" is a penalty or fee imposed for a violation of rules or laws.




The word "fine" comes from Middle English "fin," which traces back to Latin "finis," meaning "end" or "limit," and in some contexts, it relates to "finis" as something that is complete or of a finished quality.


  1. The painting was of such fine quality that it was commissioned for the museum.
  2. She chose a fine silk scarf to wear to the event.
  3. The judge imposed a fine on the company for violating environmental regulations.
  4. His explanation was fine, but it lacked details that could help clarify the situation.
  5. The chef prepared a fine dining experience that everyone will remember.

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