Another Word For Father

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The word is "father."

Explanation for a 7-Year-Old:

A father is a man who takes care of you and loves you. He might help you with your homework, play games with you, and give you hugs. Just like how you have a mom, you can also have a dad, and they both help keep you safe and happy.

Explanation for a Student:

The term "father" refers to a male parent who plays a significant role in raising and nurturing a child. A father often provides support, guidance, and protection, contributing to a child's emotional and physical development. Fathers can also be involved in teaching values and life skills, making them important figures in a family.

Another Word for 'Father':



The word "father" comes from the Old English "fæder," which is derived from the Proto-Germanic "fæðōr." This word can be traced back to the Proto-Indo-European root "pəter," which also means "father" in various languages.

Examples of How to Use 'Father':

  1. My father takes me to the park every Saturday.
  2. I called my father to ask him for help with my project.
  3. Many people celebrate Father's Day to honor their dads.
  4. His father taught him how to ride a bicycle.
  5. A father figure can be anyone who takes on a caring role, even if they aren't a biological parent.

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