Another Word For Eschew

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The word eschew means to deliberately avoid or abstain from something, often because it is considered undesirable, harmful, or morally wrong. When someone eschews something, they consciously choose not to engage with it.




The term eschew originates from the Middle English word eschuwer, which comes from the Old French eschever, meaning "to avoid," and is derived from the Latin ex-, meaning "out of," plus cavere, meaning "to be on one's guard." This combination gives it the sense of staying away from something.


  1. In an effort to lead a healthier lifestyle, she decided to eschew processed foods completely.
  2. The organization encourages its members to eschew negative behaviors and promote positivity.
  3. Despite peer pressure, he chose to eschew alcohol during the party.
  4. Many environmentalists eschew plastic products in favor of more sustainable options.
  5. The author eschews clichés in his writing to maintain originality and depth.

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