Another Word For Emulate

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To emulate means to strive to equal or excel, often by imitating someone or something. This term is frequently used in the context of following a role model or attempting to match the qualities, achievements, or capabilities of another person, often with the intention of surpassing them.




The word "emulate" comes from the Latin word aemulari, meaning "to strive to equal or excel." It entered the English language in the late Middle Ages and has retained its meaning related to imitation and striving for excellence.


  1. She decided to emulate her mentor’s work ethic to achieve success in her career.
  2. Many athletes emulate the techniques of their favorite sports stars during training.
  3. The new software is designed to emulate the functionality of popular existing programs.
  4. As a young artist, he sought to emulate the styles of famous painters from the past.