Another Word For Draught

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The word "draught" (often spelled "draft" in American English) has several meanings depending on the context. Generally, it refers to a current of air that flows into a room or space. It can also mean a preliminary version of a document or plan, or in British English, it can refer to a serving of drink, especially beer. Additionally, in the context of animals, it can refer to animals, like horses, used for pulling heavy loads.




The word "draught" comes from the Old English "dræge," which means "to pull, drag." The variant spelling "draft" is used primarily in American English.


  1. Please close the window; there is a cold draught coming in.
  2. I need to finish the first draught of my essay by tomorrow.
  3. The pub serves a great draught beer that many patrons enjoy.
  4. The horse was a strong draught animal often used on the farm.