Another Word For Console

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The word "console" can have multiple meanings depending on the context. As a noun, it refers to a panel or a cabinet that houses controls for machines or electronic devices. As a verb, it means to comfort someone in times of grief or disappointment, helping them to feel better emotionally.


As a noun: - Control panel - Dashboard - Cabinet - Console table

As a verb: - Comfort - Soothe - Console - Reassure - Support


As a verb: - Distress - Upset - Agitate - Torment


The word "console" comes from the Latin word "consolari," which means "to comfort" or "to alleviate grief." The prefix "con-" means "together," and "solari" means "to calm" or "to soothe."


  1. After her pet passed away, her friends gathered around to console her.
  2. The engineer worked tirelessly to integrate the new features into the gaming console.
  3. He tried to console his partner after a tough day at work by planning a nice dinner.
  4. The console in the car controls various functions like navigation and music.
  5. She found it hard to console her friend, who was devastated by the news.

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