Another Word For Bot

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The term "bot" is short for "robot" and often refers to a software application designed to automate certain tasks or simulate human interaction. Bots can be found in various forms, including chatbots that communicate with users, web crawlers that search the internet, and gaming bots that play video games. They are typically programmed to perform specific functions efficiently and can operate continuously without human intervention.




The word "bot" is derived from the abbreviation of "robot," which comes from the Czech word "robota," meaning forced labor or drudgery. The concept of robots dates back to Karel Čapek's 1920 play "R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots)," where it was first introduced.


  1. The customer service bot answered my questions quickly and efficiently.
  2. There are several bots that can help you find the best prices online.
  3. I programmed a bot to remind me of my daily tasks.
  4. Many people use a chatbot on social media to interact with customers.
  5. The gaming bot was so advanced that it could adapt its strategy in real time.