Another Word For Bond

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The word "bond" refers to a strong connection or relationship between two or more parties. This can be an emotional connection, such as the bond between family members or friends, or a legal or financial agreement, such as a bond between a borrower and a lender. In general, a bond signifies a tie or obligation that unites individuals or entities.




The word "bond" comes from the Old French "bond," meaning "a tie, a restriction," which in turn derives from the Latin "ligare," meaning "to bind." It has evolved to encompass various meanings related to connection and obligation over time.


  1. The bond between the siblings grew stronger after their parents' passing.
  2. Many people feel a strong emotional bond with their pets.
  3. The company issued a bond to raise funds for new projects.
  4. A healthy bond between teacher and student can enhance the learning experience.
  5. The friendship they formed in college created a lifelong bond.