Another Word For Apologize
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The word "apologize" means to express regret or sorrow for something you have done that may have hurt or offended someone else. It involves acknowledging your mistake or wrongdoing and often includes a desire to make amends or improve the situation.
- Regret
- Confess
- Atonement
- Sorry
- Express remorse
- Accuse
- Blame
- Assert
- Defend
- Justify
The word "apologize" comes from the Greek word "apologia," meaning a speech in defense or a formal justification. The term evolved into Old French as "apologie" before entering the English language in the early 19th century.
- I want to apologize for my tardiness to the meeting; it was unprofessional of me.
- She quickly reached out to apologize for her hurtful comments during the argument.
- The company issued a statement to apologize for the inconvenience caused by the product recall.
- He felt it was important to apologize after realizing the impact of his actions on his friend.
- After the misunderstanding, they both decided to apologize and move forward in their friendship.