Another Word For Anatomy

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Anatomy refers to the branch of science that studies the structure of living things. It often focuses on the physical structures of plants, animals, and humans, including their organs and systems. Understanding anatomy is essential for fields such as medicine, biology, and veterinary science, as it helps explain how various parts work together to sustain life.




The word "anatomy" comes from the Greek word "anatomia," which means "dissection." It is derived from the verb "anatemnein," meaning "to cut up." The term implies the analysis of the structure of living organisms by separating them into their constituent parts.


  1. The students in the biology class studied the anatomy of the frog to understand its organ systems.
  2. Advances in medical technology have greatly improved our understanding of human anatomy.
  3. The anatomy textbook provided detailed illustrations of the human body and its various systems.
  4. Veterinary students must learn the anatomy of different animals to effectively diagnose and treat health issues.

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