Another Word For Allowance

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The word "allowance" refers to a sum of money that is given regularly to help cover expenses or as a form of financial support. It can also mean the act of allowing or permitting something to happen. In broader terms, it may refer to a certain concession or tolerance in behavior or situations.




The word "allowance" comes from Middle English, originating from the Old French term "aloier," which means "to make allowance for" or "to give." This, in turn, traces back to the Latin "ad-," meaning "to," and "logere," meaning "to grant."


  1. My parents give me a monthly allowance to cover my expenses.
  2. The teacher made an allowance for students who needed extra time on the exam.
  3. After considering her situation, they granted her an allowance for her medical bills.
  4. The company provides an annual allowance for employees to spend on professional development.
  5. She had a zero-tolerance policy and could not make any allowance for late submissions.