Another Word For Agenda

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The word "agenda" refers to a list or plan of items to be discussed or acted upon, usually in a meeting or gathering. It serves as a guide to ensure that all necessary topics are covered during the allotted time.




The word "agenda" comes from the Latin word "agendum," which means "that which is to be done." It is the neuter plural form of "agendum," derived from the verb "agere," meaning "to do" or "to act."

Examples of Usage

  1. Before the meeting, please send out the agenda so everyone knows what to expect.
  2. The conference agenda included several keynotes, breakout sessions, and networking opportunities.
  3. I always prepare an agenda to ensure that our discussions stay focused and productive.
  4. During the last meeting, we were able to complete all items on the agenda ahead of schedule.
  5. The board agreed to add a new item to the agenda regarding budget allocation for the upcoming quarter.

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